A selection of resources



The guidelines

A brief guide on neuropathic pain is provided by NICE, who give guidance on sciatica/lower back pain who recommend minimal pharmacological prescriptions for sciatica and for lower back advise against paracetamol alone. Royal College Emergency Medicine has quite clear and useful guidelines on procedural sedation.


The FOAM Resources

Some of the finest free to access resources out there

Pill Capsule Flying Many Horde  - qimono / Pixabay
Pain free ED

Slightly out of date but sill useful ED specific reviews of analgeisa


Extensive guides to both sedation and pain assessment/analgesia.


Some useful papers

A cochrane review on amitriptyline

There is minimal evidence for effectiveness but they conclude that a percentage of people with neuropathic pain(about 1/4) may be helped.

A cochrane review on opioids and neuropathic pain

Minimal effect in short-term, some questionable efficacy in the intermediate term.

More bad news for patients with sciatica; lack of effect demonstrated and with more side effects.