A selection of resources

HIV in the ED

Prevention and screening

Opportunistic infections profiles


The guidelines

The British HIV association has many guidelines which are detailed but contain a short summary at the beginning. These include a guide to PEP, testing, opportunistic infections(GI), and general opportunistic infections. NICE guidelines cover when to admit patients and also when to run a test.

RCEM only seem to have a best practice guidelines for HIV screening. A useful tool is the HIV interaction checker which can tell you if any of the emergency medications you are starting will interact with ART medications

Pulmonary Embolism

The FOAM Resources

Some of the finest free to access resources out there

Foam infectious disease

Nice short users guide to an HIV positive person presenting acutely

Pulmonary Embolism

Some useful papers

Extensive summary of emergency management of HIV related complications

This is a slightly old but detailed guide to the various different complications for HIV than can present to the ED.