A selection of resources

Aortic Dissection

Tricky diagnosis, even if you know all of the below

No definitive guidelines to help

What is your threshold to CT?

Aortic Dissection

The guidelines

in the absence of NICE guidelines on this topic; the European society of cardiology gives an detailed evidenced-based approach. There (as far as I am aware) no validated scoring system but a pragmatic high/medium/low risk add suggests a mix of d-dimer, cxr and CT depending on risk.


The FOAM Resources

Some of the finest free to access resources out there


Podcast/talk at SMACC about how the Aora will F#@$ you up


Useful summary from 2014


Good summary with sensitivities of various tests

Emergency medicine cases

Cases based discussion, like everyone else agrees tricky diagnosis!


Some useful papers

This review from the BMJ is useful summary

Although from 2012 provides a good summary of diagnosis and management.

Annals of Emergency medicine , again referencing likelihood ratios

Highlights the difficulty of diagnosis